Star Wars Figure Tracker FAQ
08/14/06 - Changes in RED

1.  How the Hell Does the Find Button Work?
2.  Can I link to John's Page?
3.  Can I put the Star Wars Figure Tracker on other FTP/Web sites?
4.  What's Planned for the Next Version?

5.  What are the system requirements?

6.  I can't download the file, any suggestions?
7.  Are there bugs?
8.  How much is X worth?   Where can I find X? etc...
9.  How can I contact you?

Q. How the Hell Does the Find Button Work?

Q. Can I link to John's Page?

Q. Can I put the Star Wars Figure Tracker on other FTP/Web sites?

Q. What's Planned for the Next Version?

Q.  What are the system requirements?

A. Basically, the only real requirement is a system that runs Windows 95/98/ME/2k/XP.  You should also have at least 20MB free disk space.  And a screen resolution of at least 800x600. And a love of Star Wars.

Q.  I can't download the file(s), any suggestions?

A.  Well... A few people have had problems, with no real pattern apparent.  I've downloaded the files from many locations, including from behind a firewall without a problem.  So... that really doesn't help, does it?  I have put the file on a couple of public ftp sites, but the files haven't been released into the public download directories yet.  As soon as they are I'll post the sites here.

Q.  Are there bugs?

A.  Of course there are bugs!  I'm using a Microsoft development tool after all.  I'm writing this thing using Visual FoxPro, and there is such a huge memory leak that I have to reboot my computer every 3-4 times I run the program.  My GDI memory resources drop to like, 2%, and nothing will work.  Now there's a bug for ya!  Seriously though, if anyone notices this problem when you're running the program please e-mail me.  I'd like to know if the problem is widespread, or if its just my system.  The latest update to VFP has not fixed this problem.

Known Bugs v2.2
Entering duplicate storage location codes cause a crash 

Known Bugs v2.01
Crashes a lot on one NT machine with NT 5.0 (Exception code=C0000005)

Known Bugs v2.0
Seems to run flaky on NT
Collection statistics report does not exclude deleted records from calculations.  Do a maintain data before running report for accurate results.
If you click on a menu option when the splash screen is displayed, SWFT may lock up.
On the first run of the program if you go into a maintain screen, browse a couple of records, and exit, and error occurs.
If you have anything in the Prequel vehicles table, none of the reports will work.

Q.  How much is X worth?   Where can I find X? etc...

A.  Well, I don't really know for sure.  I have never bought a figure from any place other than an established retail outfit (TRU, Wal-Mart, etc.)  I do check out stores and flea markets, but have never seen anything selling for what I would consider a reasonable price.  Your best bet for answering these questions is to pick up a copy of one of the magazines devoted to collecting toys and check out the ads.  There are also a ton of very good websites out there with a lot more information than mine has.  Check out my links page for a couple of good ones.

Q.  How can I contact you?

Well, you can e-mail me at  Or, if you are using ICQ my number is 8459559.  If you are unfamiliar with ICQ go to

Question ain't answered here?  E-mail me!

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